The effective rates of acupuncture vary widely. They depend largely on the experience of the acupuncturists. It is important to be seen by an experienced practitioner
The Practitioner
Dr Fang Wang has over 38 years extensive clinical experience , teachings and is a well-known acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine and neurology, academic. She trained and qualified as a Medical Doctor in both Chinese and Western Medicine in Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with a five-year program in early 1980s. Dr Wang became a M.D. in Acupuncture, Neurology.
She had been working in Fuzhou of China General Hospital and China-Japan Friendship hospital (Beijing). Throughout 16 years of her career in the hospital, she worked up from being a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Physician to Chief Physician of the TCM Department and accumulated extensive clinical experience.She is an executive member of China Acupuncture Association in 2000.
Dr Wang has advanced acupuncture skills and excellent traditional Chinese medicine skills, and always obtains effective result. Many patients came to the hospital due to her reputation and experience. Dr Wang not only explains the cause of the pain or disease from a Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view, but also explains why acupuncture and Chinese medicine can relieve the pain, cure the disease and improve body functioning. Our belief is that when performed properly, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanism to help you achieve your goal.specialist in numerous diseases and chronic illness.
Dr Wang has undertaken a wide range of scientific studies and released many papers. Throughout her career she has gained an excellent professional reputation and was awarded a highly acclaimed first class prize for the outstanding value of one of her papers.
Her academic status and advanced treatment skills in acupuncture and Chinese medicine have earned her an excellent reputation in both China and the UK.
During this 35+ years practice, Dr Wang has built a wealth of experience in helping clients with many difficult conditions,.Dr Wang not only treat the symptoms, but also work with you to identify and treat the root cause of the symptoms. such as stroke, trigeminal neuralgia, MS, migraine, sciatica, frozen shoulder, back pain, knee pain, asthma, IBS, menopause and infertility etc.